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Bible & Catechism

This commission looks into the catechetical formation of children and youth. Catechism classes are conducted for all, ranging from nursery to post graduate even to the parents. Timely evaluation, weekly clarifications and semester examinations are very well done to equip them with the experience of word. Catechism teachers are equipped through classes, seminars, special training programmes in the parish, Forane and Diocesan levels. Bible classes, both for children and teachers are conducted in the Diocesan Level as directed by the Pastoral Orientation Centre, Kerala. As a result of the constant efforts of the commission the catechetical field has become active and organized. It is recommendable that the teachers in the graduation and post graduation level be given more training. There are efficient men and women in the parishes who involve in catechism teaching.

Positive Thoughts

We aspire to be like hlpers. So we serve all people. No matter their religion, ethnicity, or gender.

Heartful Help

Going after poverty’s symptoms is temporary. Going after its causes is permanent for everyone.

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